Walking the line between feeling inspired & downtrodden is a fine tightrope walk. With inspiration has to come acknowledgement of where we want to go and where we haven’t yet been. A reflection of oneself in comparison to the thing we’re inspired by, and the transferral of ideas into our reality. For me, feeling inspired by ideas, images, acts, texts, or statements, often can come a questioning self doubt of how little I myself have contributed to the world. I always try and push past this doubt, but often it’s an inevitable factor to consider whilst moving forward with my own process. I always fear that there’s not enough time in my lifespan to contribute as much as I‘d like to. With every idea comes another idea and with that they replace each other and so no ideas get developed. Life moves quickly, and whilst worrying about our daily banalities, we lose precious time in creating the things that will live timelessly after we have gone. With inspiration must come discipline, and whilst I always have the former, I must start to work harder on the latter.